Our new puppy training podcast

Mello Files Podcast

We teamed up with our favourite dog trainer Sophie for a brand new 9 episode series on how to raise a happy, well-behaved puppy.

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About ‘The Mello Files’

Hey folks, Mike here – one of the founders of Scratch and new dad to Mello. The little guy’s just turned 6-months old and to be honest, he’s been bloody hard work. Not because he’s a bad pup at all, but he’s a puppy.

His brain is developing. We’re fitting him into our lives. He’s fitting us into his. And learning the world as we hopefully guide him through it happily and comfortably.

Mike feeding Mello treats

Raising a puppy is hard and I needed help. We’ve teamed up with Sophie from So Help Me Dog to take me and anyone else raising a puppy through the key parts of puppy training.

We’ve called it ‘The Mello Files’. I share my experiences raising Mello and Sophie helps me to make it a little easier on myself and make sure he’s set up for a great life.

Episode guide


Ep 1 –  Puppy proofing your home

Ep 2 –  Puppy blues & biting

Ep 3 –  Sleep & why it's important

Ep 4 –  Toilet training

Ep 5 –  Guest vet

Ep 6 –  Socialisation & habituation

Ep 7 –  Leash walking

Ep 8 –  Special guest

Your puppy training podcast hosts

Sophie Allen dog trainer

Sophie Allen

Sophie is the owner of Sydney dog trainers, So Help Me Dog. She works with all types of breeds with behavioural problems and training issues. She has a holistic approach when working with dogs, where we look at the whole picture to get to the root cause of the issue.

So Help Me Dog trainers are passionate about rehabilitating dogs back into society, mental stimulation, reducing embarrassment when in public, and aiming to reach you and your dog’s goals. They also do virtual sessions.

Mike Halligan

Mike Halligan

Mike is the co-founder of Scratch and new dad to the star of the show – a young toller pup named Mello.

Between puppy training sessions with Mello, his day to day at Scratch is focused on the customer service and marketing side of Scratch.