Kangaroo Jerky - Scratch
Kangaroo Jerky Dog Treats

Roo Jerky Treats

$29 for 300g XL bag

Made from 100% premium kangaroo meat, these air-dried Roo Jerky treats are all natural and damn delicious.

Snap ‘em easily into bite-sized pieces for regular rewarding. Or, if your dog’s been really good, they’re a great high value treat on their own.

Woah, protein

With a whopping 70% protein and only 2% fat, these lean machines are made purely from leg muscle, not offal or offcuts. Perfect to keep your woofer training hard. Just don’t feed more than one piece a day coz too much crude protein can pump up the gas (we’re talkin’ serious gym bro farts here people).

The meaty gritty

These irresistible jerky snaps come in an XL bag of irregularly-shaped, jumbo pieces – easy to snap apart into smaller bits for regular doses of happiness. And with a satisfying crunch to them, they’ve got added dental benefits too!

Holding dog treat

The air-drying difference

Allow us to nerd out for a bit ‘coz we’re big fans of air-drying. How does it work? Well, we basically get a premium chunk of roo leg muscle and dry it over a low, consistent heat. The result? A delicious treat that’s retained more nutrients and more flavour than traditional baking methods. Air-drying essentially removes moisture from the meat very slowly, providing a ton of the following benefits:

🥩 Preserves nutrients
🔥 Zero exposure to extreme heat
🤘 Boosts flavour
🙅 No artificial flavours, additives, preservatives
🥬 Stays fresher longer
🪱 Easier to digest
🐕 Dogs can’t resist it

Holding treat bag

These 100% natural roo treats make even the goodest boys go bad

Ingredients 100% Kangaroo Muscle Meat
Country of Origin Australia
Protein (Min) 70%
Fat (Min) 2%
ME 320 Kcal